by Janet | Mar 22, 2016 | Inspiration
What if we were to fervently pray for each other, for our community, our state, our nation? What if our collective prayers, petitioned before the Throne of the Most High God could radically change the culture we live in? What if we saw those in our neighborhood,...
by Janet | Dec 10, 2015 | Inspiration
Rejection or Hidden Blessing Rejection noun re·jec·tion \ri-ˈjek-shən\ the act of not accepting, believing, or considering something: the state of being rejected the action of rejecting: the state of being rejected Is rejection an unfortunate thing or a blessing? ...
by Janet | Dec 3, 2015 | Family
This morning I got up early to finish decorating the tree and the inside of our home for Christmas. It’s the little things that can trigger the sweetest memories. We have a gold, wired edge ribbon that has a slight dusting of glitter that we use as our garland and...
by Janet | Nov 26, 2015 | Blog, Family
Wishing each of you a day filled with blessings, joy and many happy memories. May the Lord bless your day, your year and your families. Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours. Janet
by Janet | Nov 6, 2015 | Family
I wrote the story below in March 2013 in preparation of our youngest son graduating from high school. Many of us are now preparing to send our sons and daughters off to college to begin their adult lives. It is hard to let go, but it is a necessary part of life. We...
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