Clutter Invades Our Lives

Clutter, we all have it, it comes in all shapes and sizes and many forms, and it invades our lives in the most innocuous ways.  Then, without warning, we are swamped in the growing sea of clutter that engulfs us like quicksand in a desert.  How does all this clutter...

Seasons – Joys and Challenges and New Beginnings

Seasons are amazing, spring, summer, fall and winter. Each season has its beauty, yet we are so thankful for the next season. Each season gives us new joys and new challenges. Life is like that, seasons, new joys and challenges and the opportunity to learn and grow. I...

He Is Risen – Happy Easter

Rejoice!!!!!  He is Risen!!!!!  Happy Easter!!!!!!  Blessings to you!!!!! 1Now after the Sabbath, as it began to dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to see the tomb. 2Behold, there was a great earthquake, for an angel of the Lord...
What If?

What If?

What if we were to fervently pray for each other, for our community, our state, our nation? What if our collective prayers, petitioned before the Throne of the Most High God could radically change the culture we live in? What if we saw those in our neighborhood,...

Hidden Blessing

Rejection or Hidden Blessing Rejection  noun re·jec·tion \ri-ˈjek-shən\ the act of not accepting, believing, or considering something:  the state of being rejected the action of rejecting:   the state of being rejected Is rejection an unfortunate thing or a blessing? ...