A few years ago, I went to my chiropractor’s office for an adjustment. I had been going to his practice since we had relocated to that town. Over the years we developed a friendship and sometimes we would chat and pray for each other’s families. On this day, I was feeling a bit down and just couldn’t seem to find my faith. Our family had just received some not so good news and my faith was wavering. My friend and I were talking in his office and I saw a plastic bag on his desk with tiny seeds in it. Out of curiosity, I asked him what was in that bag. He told me that another patient had brought them, that they were mustard seeds to show him how tiny they are and remind him that’s all the faith we need. This was a message that truly hit home with me, I had read that passage many times, had quoted it to myself but there was just something about seeing just how small ty are.
As I drove home, I couldn’t stop thinking about the mustard seeds, how tiny they are and what a good visual reminder it would be to have some at home. I stopped by my local Publix grocery store on the way home and purchased a jar of mustard seeds. For years, I just had one taped on the edge of my computer screen so I could see it and think about it each time I sat at my computer. A few years ago, I found these tiny little containers that are for putting cosmetics in while traveling. I filled one with mustard seeds and labeled it “seeds of faith”. I placed it on my desk right in front of my computer screen and it was a constant reminder of God’s love and hope. This little jar still sits on my desk along with a dragonfly and butterfly which are symbols of hope for me and a tiny little rock with the words Trust in the Lord. Each time I look at these not only am I reminded of God’s promise of the faith of a mustard seed but I am also reminded of my friend who so many times stopped what he was doing and prayed for our family. My friend in now in heaven with Jesus but I am so thankful for the message of the mustard seed he gave me. Thank you, Dr. Keith for your faith, your prayers and your friendship.
Matthew 17:19-20 World English Bible (WEB)
19 Then the disciples came to Jesus privately, and said, “Why weren’t we able to cast it out?”
20 He said to them, “Because of your unbelief. For most certainly I tell you, if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you will tell this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.
World English Bible (WEB)
by Public Domain. The name “World English Bible” is trademarked.
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