Here are my 2016 and 2017 Christmas trees.
There are some who have told me there are too many ornaments on my tree. When I look at it, I don’t see too many, I see there are many missing. We have a tradition in our family that started when my husband and I got married. We purchased an ornament together and have done so every year. We will soon be celebrating our 32nd anniversary.
When our boys were born the tradition continued with a family outing to purchase the ornaments, a special one for each child and one for us. We would go to dinner, purchase the ornaments, drive around and look at the Christmas lights and have fun. When the boys were young they would hang their own ornaments and tell the story where they got it or a special memory about it. We made so many happy memories, stories we still share today. Some of the ornaments were purchased when we traveled throughout the year. Their grandparents also picked up on the tradition and sent special ornaments.
The birds on the top of the tree were purchased the year my dad was born (1936) and have been on the family tree every year since. The angel was purchased in 1989 when we discovered that the angel given to me by my dad (also on the tree since the year of his birth) had been damaged beyond repair in a roof water leak in our storage unit. She has been on top of our tree ever since. She fell off the top of the tree this year and her head broke into several pieces, however, I did glue her back together and she will remain there until we find another that really speaks to our heart. I also lost another ornament this year, it fell and shattered on the tile floor. That ornament was given to me when I was 18 by my life long friend……I cherish the memories with her and her thoughtfulness in purchasing that ornament for me all those years ago.
As for the missing ones…..that is hard…… We told our boys that for their first Married Christmas they would get their childhood ornaments and boy were there a lot of them…..Our oldest son got his a year early and has probably close to 40 or 50 ornaments. Our middle son is 26 and has over 35 ornaments. Our youngest is still in our home and he has way more than his 23 years. We also started purchasing ornaments for our daughters in Love when they became our son’s significant others, then engaged and one married and one soon to be married. We will continue our tradition for our family and the generations to come. Each ornament holds a special memory and are treasured by our family, some hand made, some store bought, some hand crafted by artisans, some are gifts…… Too many ornaments – nope, I need a bigger tree to hold all the future memories or as my daughter in love told me today…..I need a second tree.
Blessings to you and your families.
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